суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

compute nominal gdp

Heres the skinny;

I like playing second life. But, I have to play it on my boyfriendapos;s computer, because when I try to play it on mine, I get the message;

"Cannot play second life on this computer."

I emailed linden labs and they said itapos;s my graphicapos;s card. Since it isnapos;t supported, I canapos;t use it to play. But wait I USED to play SL on this computer a year ago. I havenapos;t changed the card since then, so what gives?

Anyway, is there anyway I can mask my graphics card, or otherwise fool the client into thinking I have another card they accept?
compute nominal gdp, compute normal, compute normal distribution, compute normal vector.

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